I jumped at the chance to personally deliver to Williamstown two Vineyard Adirondack chairs and a South Beach side table from our US made POLYWOOD® range. Laura's deck is bathed in sunshine in the afternoon, and rather than spend a few hours there, which would be awkward, I grabbed a takeaway coffee and got a dose of Vitamin D by the water. It's incredible how the city skyline has spread over the years. Thank you, Laura, for both the purchase and the opportunity to get out and take a breath. ☺️
Polywood® Seashell chairs in the shade
Perfect Spring day to deliver our Polywood® Seashell chairs and accessories to an amazing property. The views are to die for.
#adirondackchairs #polywoodfurniture #lowmaintenancefurniture #adirondackchairsaustralia #recycledplasticfurniture #therealpolywood #morningtonpeninsula #redhillsouth #perfectspringday☀️
Adirondack chairs at Yaringa Boat Harbour
With the extra time on my hands, I'm getting out and doing local deliveries and errands myself. Today, I was in the area and stopped at @yaringaboatharbour to see the 6 Poly Classic Adirondack Chairs they purchased from us a few weeks ago. They have them all set up for their summer season, with food and beverages provided by @cptnjacks, who operate out of a gorgeous vintage-style caravan. Despite the dire situation I find myself in, I'm doing my best to remain upbeat and positive. Hopefully, things will turn around soon for all small businesses.